Mariner East 2 Pipeline Developer Charged with Environmental Crimes

Homeowners and Townships Across 17 Southern Tier PA Counties Affected by Mariner East 2 Pipeline Developer’s Actions

PHILADELPHIA, November 29 (Williams Cedar Law Firm) – On October 5th, Pennsylvania Attorney General Joshua Shapiro slapped Mariner East 2 Pipeline developer Energy Transfer, the corporate successor to Sunoco Pipeline, with 46 counts of environmental crimes following a grand jury investigation. The charges stem from conduct during the construction of the Mariner East 2 Pipeline.

The charges assert that Energy Transfer failed to report the loss of drilling fluid that contained unapproved additives and leaked into surrounding area fields, backyards, streams, lakes and wetlands. The contamination of local drinking water and to homeowners properties can have dangerous long term health hazards. One homeowner testified to the Grand Jury that her daughter was hospitalized due to high concentrations of e.coli and coliform in her water following drilling on her property.


The harm done by Energy Transfer should be alarming, because it has damaged properties and put the health of many at risk…While the Attorney General pursues charges against Energy Transfer, those it has affected should know they too can work to hold the company accountable.

Christopher Markos

Associate, Williams Cedar, LLC

“Energy Transfer Partners severely impacted the forested wetlands, streams and pond on our property in Huntingdon County with the construction of the Mariner East 2 and 2X pipelines,” said Ellen Gerhart, Huntingdon County resident and Williams Cedar client. “We’ve fought since 2015 to hold ETP accountable but we can’t do it alone. Hopefully the charges brought by the Attorney General’s office will begin to hold this serial violator accountable for its destructive actions.”

This is not the first lawsuit that Energy Transfer has faced with respect to their construction of the Mariner East 2 Pipeline. In 2017, a group of individuals hired the Philadelphia-based environmental and civil rights law firm of Williams Cedar alleging that Energy Transfer had violated their rights over the construction of the pipeline.

Christopher Markos, a lawyer with Williams Cedar, added, “The harm done by Energy Transfer should be alarming, because it has damaged properties and put the health of many at risk. We have been involved with legal challenges to Energy Transfer for a long time, and have a long history of helping the victims of corporate polluters. While the Attorney General pursues charges against Energy Transfer, those it has affected should know they too can work to hold the company accountable.”

About Williams Cedar

Williams Cedar has a proven track record of protecting the personal, civil, and consumer rights of clients throughout the country, and New Jersey and Pennsylvania in particular. From personal injury cases and civil rights cases to individual and class action environmental toxic tort cases, our diverse and experienced legal team has an extensive understanding of the law and what it takes to secure maximum cash settlements for our clients.

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Wrongful Conviction Lawsuit Filed After Released Prisoner Serves 30 Years

Civil Rights Law Firm Files Wrongful Conviction Federal Complaint

PHILADELPHIA, November 15 (Williams Cedar Law Firm) – Today, Williams Cedar filed a civil rights wrongful conviction federal complaint on behalf of Marcus Perez, who was released from prison in January, 2021, after serving more than 30 years for a shooting he committed as a teenager.

As alleged in the complaint, Perez pleaded guilty to a charge of murder only because the trial judge suggested that doing so would lead to a sentence that would render him eligible for parole after 15 years. As the judge later agreed, this advice was erroneous, as the crime for which Perez was convicted in 1990 carried a mandatory life sentence with no parole.

The complaint alleges that Perez’s attempts to appeal the sentence were frustrated because a lawyer then serving as an Assistant District Attorney wrongfully caused the transcript of the sentencing hearing to be altered so as to mischaracterize the judge’s advice. Perez was only able to establish the former ADA’s intent in 2019, when the District Attorney’s office reverse a longstanding policy, and permitted Perez’s attorneys to review its file, which contained a contemporaneous handwritten note from the former ADA that a “new and improved” transcript was needed. The District Attorney’s Office concurred with Perez’s argument that this newly discovered evidence required that Perez’s sentence be vacated, as his 1990 guilty plea was involuntary.

By opening its files and concurring in Marcus Perez’s request that his unfairly imposed life sentence be vacated, the District Attorney’s office took an important step toward providing him with long-awaited justice. This lawsuit aims to complete that process by obtaining compensation for Marcus’s suffering and inappropriate punishment.

Gerald Williams

Founding Partner, Williams Cedar, LLC

The wrongful conviction lawsuit seeks damages against the former ADA under 42 U.S.C Sec. 1983, a federal civil rights statute, and against Perez’s original defense attorney who failed to correct the trial judge’s advice, or inform Perez of its consequences.

Williams Cedar partner Gerald Williams said, “By opening its files and concurring in Marcus Perez’s request that his unfairly imposed life sentence be vacated, the District Attorney’s office took an important step toward providing him with long-awaited justice. This lawsuit aims to complete that process by obtaining compensation for Marcus’s suffering and inappropriate punishment.”

Stu Bykofsky, a former columnist with The Philadelphia Daily News and The Philadelphia Inquirer, covered Mr. Perez’s case with almost a dozen columns going back to 2011. Read his post about this latest development.

About Williams Cedar

Williams Cedar has a proven track record of protecting the personal, civil, and consumer rights of clients throughout the country, and New Jersey and Pennsylvania in particular. From personal injury cases and civil rights cases to individual and class action environmental toxic tort cases, our diverse and experienced legal team has an extensive understanding of the law and what it takes to secure maximum cash settlements for our clients.