In a new study by the US Geological Survey (USGS), at least 45% of all tap water in the United States is contaminated with per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, more commonly referred to as PFAS. This survey, published on July 5, found detectable traces of these potentially dangerous chemicals in many major urban areas, as well as locations across the Great Plains, Great Lakes, Eastern Seaboard, and Central/Southern California regions. Both public and private wells were found to have been contaminated by PFAS.

What Are PFAS?

            PFAS are a class of chemicals that are commonly used in the manufacturing of many consumer and industrial products, including non-stick pans, stain-resistant clothing, and fire extinguishing foam. However, these chemicals are known for causing a number of serious health issues, including liver damage, kidney damage, reduced immune function, and an increased risk of cancer and birth defects. Even worse, these “forever chemicals” are known for being incredibly resilient, refusing to break down in the environment and accumulating within people’s bodies over the course of months or years.

What Did the Study Find?

            The USGS survey tested tap water at 716 locations around the country for the presence of 32 of the most common PFAS. Based on these tests, it was found that at least 45% of the tap water across the United States was contaminated with detectable levels of PFAS. Contamination was lowest in protected lands and other places with stringent environmental protections, while it was highest in urban areas and locations close to places where PFAS is manufactured.

Why Was This Study Done?

            This study was meant to help understand just how widespread PFAS contamination is. Due to the resilient nature of these chemicals, it can be incredibly difficult to clean up once it has contaminated the environment, and people who ingest these chemicals can retain them in their bodies indefinitely. With this information, people have a better idea of just how many Americans are affected by these hazardous chemicals.

What Can You Do If You Have Been Affected by PFAS?

            If your property has been contaminated by PFAS or if you think that you have been sickened as a result of exposure to PFAS, , you should speak to a lawyer with experience handling environmental contamination cases. They can help you to explore your legal options, and ensure you get the testing, filtration, and compensation you deserve for the harm you have suffered.

            Williams Cedar is a law firm dedicated to helping clients with personal injury, environmental law, and civil rights cases. We specialize in assisting clients who have been injured due to exposure to environmental toxins, including veterans and their loved ones. If you need legal assistance due to toxic exposure or other related matters, please give us a call at our New Jersey and Pennsylvania offices at (215) 557-0099, or visit our contact page.

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