by Williams Cedar, LLC | Sep 2, 2022 | Personal Injury Law
Gerald J. Williams, Partner, Williams Cedar LLP, says that any member of the United States Marine Corps or their family members who became seriously ill after being at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, or anyone who lived or worked near the base, may qualify for significant compensation, thanks to a new federal law.
by Williams Cedar, LLC | Aug 31, 2022 | Uncategorized
A recent study by the Yale School of Public Health has found that children that live near fracking sites are at a higher risk of developing leukemia. The study, published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives, shows that children that live within two kilometers of a fracking site are between two to three times more likely to develop acute lymphoblastic leukemia between the ages of two and seven. This study shows the high risk that the practice poses to people, despite claims that energy companies are taking appropriate measures to protect public health.
by Williams Cedar, LLC | Aug 31, 2022 | Uncategorized
You may sometimes hear references in the media to a “toxic tort” case. But what is a “toxic tort,” and why might it matter to you?
by Williams Cedar, LLC | Aug 31, 2022 | Environmental Law, Personal Injury Law
According to a recent study, as many as nine million people every year are killed around the world as a result of environmental pollution. The total cost to the global economy as a result of this pollution is estimated to be around $4.6 trillion per year, resulting from health care costs and other expenses caused by unmitigated pollution. While Africa is the hardest hit region in the world, there are still many places in America where people are sickened and killed by pollution every year.
by Williams Cedar, LLC | Aug 24, 2022 | Product Liability Law, Personal Injury Law
Banana Boat has issued a recall for its Hair and Scalp Sunscreen after trace amounts of benzene were detected in three batches of the product. This recall is meant to protect people from unintentional exposure to the toxic chemical, which can make them seriously sick, or even kill people in high enough doses. Anyone who has one of the affected batches of sunscreen should cease use of them and discard them immediately.