In a hearing before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun admitted that the company had retaliated against whistleblowers in the past. More than a dozen employees have spoken out about problems at the company, including its poor quality controls and continuing safety problems. These issues may have contributed to safety problems that have resulted in a number of high-profile mechanical failures, including numerous deaths.

Safety Problems at Boeing

Over the past few years, Boeing has seen a string of high profile aviation disasters, many of which involved its new 737 Max airplane. While one of the more recent disasters, where a door plug fell out of a plane as it ascended into the sky, did not result in any fatalities, others have not been so lucky, with two other crashes in Indonesia and Ethiopia resulting in a combined 346 fatalities. This has resulted in increased scrutiny on the company, especially as whistleblowers have spoken up about problems at the company.

Retaliation Against Whistleblowers

Employees at Boeing who have spoken up about problems at the company have reportedly faced professional consequences as a result of their actions, the result of retaliation by the company. This has included being reprimanded or fired for reporting safety violations that the company refused to fix. Additionally, there has been increased suspicion after two employees who previously testified against the company died, though no wrongdoing has been proven in either case.

Employees Continue to Speak Out

Despite the apparent threat of whistleblower retaliation, more than a dozen employees have spoken out against the company. Among other things, they have spoken out about a work culture that placed little value on safety or quality control, where people who reported issues with products were likely to be punished for doing so. This may have led to parts that should have been isolated due to safety issues being installed on planes, among other problems that may have increased the chances of accidents.

The Potential Impact

As a result of these whistleblowers, Boeing is under increased scrutiny and is facing both regulatory inquiry and civil lawsuits over accidents involving their planes. The Senate subcommittee investigating the company, meanwhile, is particularly concerned about the impact Boeing’s culture could have on America’s military readiness, as Boeing is a major defense contractor in addition to producing civilian aircraft. While this may be troublesome for the company, it is likely that their efforts may have saved lives, who otherwise might have been at increased risk of harm due to unsafe Boeing planes.

Bringing Whistleblower Lawsuits

Several state and federal laws protect whistleblowing employees from retaliation, and some, including the federal False Claims Act, even provide financial awards to those who properly report employers’ wrongdoing or fraud. Williams Cedar has successfully represented whistleblowers in multiple courts. If you need guidance in reporting fraud or waste to the appropriate authorities, or believe that you have suffered retaliation for making a report, the lawyers of Williams Cedar are here to help.

Williams Cedar is a law firm dedicated to helping clients with personal injury, environmental law, and civil rights cases. We specialize in assisting clients who have been injured due to exposure to environmental toxins, including veterans and their loved ones. If you need legal assistance due to toxic exposure or other related matters, please give us a call at our New Jersey and Pennsylvania offices at (215) 557-0099, or visit our contact page.

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