The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) celebrated its annual July 4 campaign against drunk driving. This campaign was meant to remind people of the dangers of drunk driving, as well as to spread awareness of ways to avoid driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Holidays such as July 4 tend to see much higher rates of drunk driving compared to other times of the year, with the summer being one of the worst times of the year for DUIs.

What Does it Mean to Drive Drunk?

            Broadly speaking, driving drunk is part of the broader offense of driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, more commonly referred to as DUI. Under the laws of every state in the country, a person is considered legally intoxicated if they have a Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) of .08, which is roughly equivalent to drinking four or five alcoholic drinks on average. In addition to being illegal, drunk driving is incredibly dangerous for both the driver and anyone they come into contact with.

What Are the Effects of Drunk Driving?

            Drunk drivers are, on the whole, much more dangerous than their sober counterparts. Alcohol consumption results in delayed reflexes, impaired judgment, a lack of ability to control one’s emotions, and a lack of motor control. When put together, this makes drunk drivers incredibly susceptible to causing motor vehicle accidents, with about a third of all motor vehicle accidents estimated to involve drunk driving.

Why is July 4 Such a Bad Day for Drunk Drivers?

            Independence Day is especially bad when it comes to drunk driving due to how many people celebrate the holiday by drinking. While it can be fine to have a few drinks while with friends or family over the course of several hours, the celebratory mood means that people are more likely to drink to excess, meaning they may rise to the level of being legally intoxicated. If that is the case, then all they need to do to cause a DUI is to get behind the wheel without anyone stopping them.

What Should You Do if You Get Into an Accident With a Drunk Driver?

            If you have been injured as a result of an accident with a drunk driver, your first priority should be to seek immediate medical attention. After that, however, you should speak to a lawyer with experience handling car accident cases. They can help you to go over your case and determine what legal strategy might be best for you, so you can get the compensation you deserve.

            Williams Cedar is a law firm dedicated to helping clients with personal injury, environmental law, and civil rights cases. We specialize in assisting clients who have been injured due to exposure to environmental toxins, including veterans and their loved ones. If you need legal assistance due to toxic exposure or other related matters, please give us a call at our New Jersey and Pennsylvania offices at (215) 557-0099, or visit our contact page.

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