The Curran-Fromhold Correctional Facility is facing increased scrutiny after a 61-year old man was found dead in a holding cell, having apparently been left alone overnight. While no cause of death has been listed, records show the unit where he died had no staff on hand for at least eight hours. This has raised questions about staffing levels at the facility, and whether there are enough people on hand to deal with potential emergencies that arise.

61-Year Old Inmate Dies After Being Left Alone

In this case, a 61-year old man was arrested on bench warrants related to alleged incidents in 2018 when he drove while intoxicated. He was placed in an intake cell, where he was supposed to undergo a medical examination and receive any necessary treatment. Despite this, no one was left on staff overnight, and he was eventually found dead the next morning when someone came to give him breakfast.

A Pattern of Unexplained Deaths

Unfortunately, this is not the first time recently that someone has died in a Philadelphia jail after being left alone. Just one week prior, a 31-year old woman died in a cell from issues related to drug use, also after being left alone overnight. Moreover, the city was recently forced to pay $25 million due to unconstitutional jail conditions by a federal court, due in part to continuing staffing issues.

Philly Jails Struggle to Maintain Staffing

Unfortunately, the problem of staffing at jails in Philadelphia is well-known, and has been around for years. Despite this, little seems to have been done to address the problem, meaning that units are often left understaffed or entirely unstaffed. This means there may be no one around to address potential emergencies, including medical emergencies or outbreaks of violence, increasing the risk of prisoner deaths.

Getting Justice For Prison Deaths

Cases like these show why it is so important to hold correctional facilities accountable when people die on their watch. Through litigation, people can not only obtain justice for their loved ones, but also encourage jails and prisons to adopt better policies that reduce the risk of serious injury, illness, or death. However, the best way to do that is to speak to a lawyer with experience handling prison death cases, who can help you review all of your potential legal options and come up with a strategy that suits your needs.

Williams Cedar is a law firm dedicated to helping clients with personal injury, environmental law, and civil rights cases. We specialize in assisting clients who have been injured due to the negligence of jails and prisoners. If you need legal assistance due to prison deaths or other related matters, please give us a call at our New Jersey and Pennsylvania offices at (215) 557-0099, or visit our contact page

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